In an announcement made on January 12th, 2021, the Ontario government unveiled new public health restrictions and a stay-at-home order. Fortunately, Cassidy’s is recognized as an essential service and remains open for business. We will continue to provide services while following strict and comprehensive health protocols.
Cassidy’s Moving and Storage is actively monitoring the Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation and are taking precautionary measures to help keep our communities safe. As information and guidance from public health officials change, we will reassess and/or change our procedures and protocols accordingly.
- On any domestic (North America) or international import/export shipments, Mover One Group (Domestic) and Mover One International are calling all customers to discuss their health, potential hazards and best practice. Cassidy’s will be reaching out directly to Customers on all local moves prior to the move.
- All Team Members must adhere to regular hand-washing for at least 20 seconds.
- Practice Social Distancing and maintain at least 1-metre distance
- Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth. Practice respiratory hygiene (covering your mouth and nose with your bent elbow or tissue when you cough or sneeze)
- Keep all high touch areas like door handles, tools and equipment clean and disinfected
- Any Team Member who has flu-like symptoms will be asked to contact the Public Health Agency and follow the COVID-19 testing protocol, including self-isolation where required
- Staying up to date on Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) updates and following all guidelines.
These measures will help us make a difference for the health and safety of the people we love, and the communities we live in and care deeply about, during this public health crisis.

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